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Tit for Tat

Writer's picture: Calluna RisingCalluna Rising

Greetings Sunshine,

Hope you all had a blessed week.

It is a snowy day here. Gaia presents her magic after quite a snow-less winter, and all is peaceful while we drink this medicine together as a community.

Spirit has granted quite a few lessons this week to help understand the following verse, and I am grateful to narrow it down to one. Each entry, thus far, has assisted in my evolution and I pray it is doing the same for you, in the name of Christ.

The next commandment for reflection is as follows:

Matthew 5: 38-42


38” You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.


Heavenly Creator,

We pray for guidance on this commandment. Please present Your Divine wisdom and truth so that we may evolve and inspire others by keeping to Your word.

We are not worthy of all You provide for us, as so many of us are suffering to have food on the table. Please help us be better, and do better for one another.

In the name of Christ,

Ase’ | Sha | Amen



This particular commandment has had a weight on my heart since childhood.

When it was read for the first time, I had believed we are to be pushovers, or doormats, to ensure we keep in Christ Consciousness. Alas, quite a bit of my existence has led down a path where all energy was given, and none was kept for myself.

Can you relate, Sunshine?

In reality, this passage is based on our own self-confidence, and allowing others to witness the confidence within.

When we are in true Christ Consciousness, we will not be bothered by anything mentioned above. We live in the trust that the Divine will provide, we stand firm in our own truth, and we know our reaction is, educationally, the most important.

The trust in our creator and confidence in our own selves should be so great that any disrespect given by someone taking our jacket, as an example, will allow the jacket to fall off our shoulders.

We see it repeatedly with those of whom are suffering the most. Their connection to the Divine is remarkably greater than the latter because their needs and devotions have been brought back to the beginning, and the beginning is where the Divine resides.

FEMININE WISDOM and HEALING (Releasing Energy)

Chakra 3 Solar Plexus Chakra - "Manipura"

Gland - Pancreas, liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, centre of personal power, confidence, self-esteem, will power, self-determination.

The centre of raw emotion- anger, irritability, tension, fear, joy. Linked to our ability to digest emotional experiences. The right to be YOU, right to be an individual, the right to act.

When Blocked - Energy levels are typically unstable and can be subject to rapid mood swings and/or emotional outbursts. May be tendency towards depression, introversion, lethargy, poor digestion, introversion, lethargy, and poor immune function and/or metabolism. Difficulties taking risks and following through on choices made.

(Pulled from Reiki level one, Amanda Ring. Seven Feathers Healing School)



Spirit is asking that we reflect on an Oracle deck.

This time, we will share the context of our Earth Mother by way of plant medicine

Saint John’s Wort


Hypericum Perforatum

Upright: joy, warmth, resilience, happiness, understanding, manifestation, spiritual power, protection

Reversed: unhappiness, avoidance, running away, escape, not walking your truth

Astrological Ruler: Sun

Saint John’s Wort, like the Sun card in the tarot, represents feelings of protection, optimism, fulfilment, prosperity, success, and the dawn that follows the darkest of nights. The Sun is the source of all life on our planet, and it represents life energy itself.

The Latin name Hypericum means “to place above the altar” and perforatum means “perforation”, a reference to the holes in the plant’s leaves. Used since ancient times as a protective plant against witchcraft, demonic entities, or psychic energy, Saint John’s Wort was often used in exorcism rituals when demons were eradicated from possessed spaces and people.

Saint John’s Wort is the epitome of a solar herb: it blossoms around the peak of midsummer day embodying resilience, vitality, and longevity. Its power is such that it is believed to be effective in protecting a home against lightning, fires, and severe storms. One of the common customs was to burn the herb in the fireplace and let the pungent smoke permeate the space to ward off evil and enhance protection.

The ancients believed this precious ally to be one of the greatest gifts to humanity due to the plethora of healing benefits it contains. For many centuries, Saint John’s wort has been used as a remedy against depression, anxiety, melancholy, viruses, wound healing, pain relief, spiritual protection, and more.

Guidance: The Midsummer goddess celebrates the multifaceted elements of life in a state of joyous abundance, reminding us that the wellspring of true wealth and healing is within. Saint John’s Wort is here to remind you to cultivate practices deep within yourself to experience this enlightening truth. Avoidance and distraction from this great knowing are unconscious habits that build up and manifest as scarcity, fear, and low moods that inhibit you from walking your truth. Saint John Wort grants us the spiritual courage of fire needed to navigate the death of the old self.

(Pulled from The HERBAL ASTROLOGY Oracle Guidebook, Adriana Ayales. Artwork by Josephine Kerks)


These synchronisations floor me every time. Such a blessing (thank you, Spirit).

Just recently, a test arose regarding this commandment and I honestly thought I had failed because I gave up.

Can you relate to this, Sunshine?

Then, I fell to the floor in mercy noticing moments where I had gone above and beyond in order to make it work.

There will be times where we realize just how much of ourselves is given and in these times, we need to revisit our Divine Wisdom and Sacred Truths to ask a few questions.


  1. Who is our Creator (Is this of our Creator?)

  2. Who are we to Creator, to us, and to others (Is this helping the situation?)


  1. Divine (Is this serving God / Gaia?)

  2. Earthly (Is this serving self?)

Sunshine, whenever we feel we are not giving enough to others, remember that even just pondering if we had given enough shows our very own Christ Consciousness.

If we do not wonder, then we do not care.



Let us take a breath together.

Sit in a chair with both legs parallel and feet on the floor.

Place hands on thighs (right on right, left on left), palms down, and chest out.

Breathe in two quick breaths








Hold with chest out remembering a thriving moment from this week. Imagine a white light at the top of your head and bring the light to Manipura (Third Chakra)








Push it all out through your breath.

Down to your toes.

Let your body fall and curl in.




Sit back up–straight as a peacock–and smile with your eyes.

Let it all out, and know that the gateway to Heaven is as close as your breath


Remember, Sunshine,

We are not here forever.

We also do not know why we are here, and we do not know our paths.

All we can do is trust, follow, and give.


Heavenly Creator,

We thank you for this reflection, and I pray it communicates Your will.

Thank You for all You have done for us, and we humbly pray you guide us all of the days of our life.

Blessings to you all.


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