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Writer's pictureCalluna Rising


Updated: Sep 4, 2023

Hello family,

I had the honour of bagpiping for the Metlej family in memory of John Metlej this past Saturday. Truly thankful to be known as family to them.

Thank you for “adopting” me.

Divine timing has prevailed, once again. Opened the Woman’s Devotional Bible (NIV) to SONG OF SONGS, Verse 1, this past Sunday; the Sunday before John had passed away.

Before sharing, it is important to understand the following:

"It focuses on the spontaneous and exclusive love between a lover and his beloved, demonstrating at the same time the sort of love Christ has for his beloved bride, the church."

Due to the nature of dear John and his dedication to his wife, his family, and Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church, I believe it is his request to share the following love letter with all of you. Sharing only one Scripture with you today; however, the entire chapter (SONG OF SONGS 1-8) is absolutely beautiful and should be read as much as possible.

It is with humble prayer that I hope it reminds us how we are to love one another.

In Jesus’ name…

ʾĀmīn / Amen / Selah / to all releations / Ase’ / and so it is



1How beautiful you are, my darling!

Oh, how beautiful!

Your eyes behind your veil are doves.

Your hair is like a flock of goats

Descending from Mount Gilead.

2Your teeth are like a flock of sheep

Just shorn,

Coming up from the washing.

Each has its twin;

Not one of them is alone.

3Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon;

Your mouth is lovely.

Your temples behind your veil

Are like the halves or a pomegranate,

4Your neck is like the tower of David,

Built with elegance;

On it hang a thousand shields,

All of them shields are warriors.

5Your two breasts are like two fawns,

Like twin fawns of a gazelle

That browse among the lilies.

6Until the day breaks

And the shadows flee,

I will go to the mountain of myrrh

And to the hill of incense.

7All beautiful you are, my darling;

There is no flaw in you.

8 Come with me from Lebanon, my


Come with me from Lebanon.

Descend from the crest of Amana

From the top of Senir, the summit

Or Hermon,

From the lions’ dens

And the mountain haunts of the


9You have stolen my heart, my sister

My bride;

You have stolen my heart

With one glance of your eyes,

With one jewel of your necklace.

10How delightful is your love, my sister,

My bride!

How much more pleasing is your love than wine,

And the fragrance of your perfume

Than any spice!

11Your lips drop sweetness as the

Honeycomb, my bride;

Milk and honey are under your tongue.

The fragrance of your garments is

Like that of Lebanon.

12You are a garden locked up, my sister,

My bride;

You are a string enclosed, a sealed


13Your plants are an orchard of


With choice fruits,

With henna and nard,

14nard and saffron,

Calamus and cinnamon,

With every kind of incense tree,

With myrrh and aloes

And all the finest spices.

15You are a garden fountain,

A well of flowing water

Streaming down from Lebanon.


There is a time for everything, and we are all alive here, together, for a purpose. In memory of John and his beloved wife, Margaret, whom he has dedicated his entire life to pursuing, please have faith as a mustard seed—sow, water, and let it grow to inspire us all.

I am sleeping better knowing that this love found Biblically had existed on this earth; even if for a moment.

Let us learn from Margaret and John.

Love you all so much.

May Divinity walk with you, carrying you throughout this life, and always.

ʾĀmīn / Amen / Selah / to all releations / Ase’ / and so it is

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